Leis frágeis, fiscalização irregular, falta de indicadores de superfaturamento, dependência de financiamento de campanhas eleitorais por empresas que se beneficiam no pós eleição, excesso de apelações judiciais resultam em incentivos à corrupção.
É o momento de discutirmos e fazermos da Ética e transparência publica bandeiras politicas para eleger ou releger candidatos. Não adianta reclamar sobre corrupção se você votou em candidato sabidamente corrupto. Se voce fez isso, você contribuiu. Mudar sua atitude, muda também o Brasil.
Os órgãos de controle fazem o que podem.
Agite, discuta e não eleja candidatos corruptos, assim você transforma o Brasil.
Recomendo os sites e analises interessantes sobre corrupção
neste site voce pode acessar dados sobre financiamento de campanhas eleitorais e varios outros temas relacionados, alé de um manual sobre mapa de riscos
A Global Integrity traz um outro tipo de análise com graficos e um indicador em cores (veja graficos e acesse site)
Brazil: 2009
This peer-reviewed country report includes:
Integrity Indicators Scorecard: Scores, scoring criteria, commentary, references, and peer review perspectives for more than 300 Integrity Indicators.
Reporter's Notebook: An on-the-ground look at corruption and integrity from a leading local journalist.
Corruption Timeline: Ten years of political context to today's corruption and integrity issues.
Brazil's performance on key governance and anti-corruption measures continues to serve up a mixed picture. The country earns strong ratings in the areas of civil society, voting and elections, privatization, and anti-corruption legal regulations. The Brazilian Court of Audit is very active in opening investigations into financial irregularities, with "all proceedings, minutes, and questions… published on [its] website." Unfortunately, there are several dimensions of governance that remain in need of significant improvement. While a constitutional right to access government information exists, no law or instutitional mechanism is in place in Brazil to operationalize that right in practice. The "availability of information," especially in the executive branch, "varies tremendously" while federal bodies are generally more responsive to information requests than agencies at the state and municipal levels. Donations to political parties and individuals are also weakly regulated. Since the limits on individual donations are based on a percentage of one's income, for instance, "wealthy individuals might exercise a decisive influence on an election, especially [at] the local level." Furthermore, the Brazilian ombudsman office is not independent and is instead subsumed under the Office of the Comptroller General and appointed by the executive. Whistle-blowing protections in Brazil remain virtually non-existent as most governmental bodies "refuse to accept anonymous charges."
Visit Global Integrity Commons for recent analysis on Brazil.
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