Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that many people suffer from all their lives. In fact, it’s estimated that four to seven million Americans are diagnosed with psoriasis each year. No one is really sure what causes this problem, but it is highly probable that there are some genetic components involved in it.
There are specific factors that are believed to cause the problem. They are stress, excessive alcohol consumption and smoking. Obviously if you want to determine if these things are the problem, you should stop doing them right now. If you do this and after a significant amount of time the problem starts to progressively disappear than you effectively figured out the problem.
Is Psoriasis Contagious?
Psoriasis is not contagious though, because it’s believed to be a problem created from your body’s own immune system. And since psoriasis is caused by something in your own immune system, you cannot pass the condition on to others. It is believed to be a genetic condition in which the immune system is somehow mistakenly triggered and because of this, skin cells are produced very rapidly.
Now if you develop psoriasis due to one of the common triggers such as a severe illness or infection, that illness or infection can of course be passed on to others. But not everyone develops psoriasis when a contagious disease or illness is caught, so the psoriasis itself is not contagious, but the underlying factors which cause you to develop psoriasis could be.
Psoriasis Treatments
Tratamento Alternativo
When it comes to the cures for psoriasis there are many natural alternatives that work wonders. The oils that are found in tea tree oil have been shown to treat this extremely well. Just keep applying it on a regular basis and you should notice that it will clear up.
There are a number of different treatment options available to help relieve your psoriasis symptoms ranging from prescription medication to simple home remedies. The only way to really know what is going to work best for you is to try a treatment option and monitor your results. You should consult a dermatologist before attempting to diagnose and /or treat any kind of skin disorder.
One thing I would like to highlight is that human body can actually heal itself. One of the reasons why one is having seemingly incurable disease might be due to the fact that body is unable to cure itself anymore. Day to day environmental pollution, unhealthy food intake and unhealthy lifestyle can significantly damage the human body ability to heal itself.
Keep in mind that there is no “cure” for psoriasis. There is no pill you can take or treatment you can get that will make it go away and never come back. There are however natural remedies that can effectively treat the symptoms without the risk of harsh side effects.
Keep your psoriasis area open to air and don’t allow jewelry or tight clothing to press against it. Stay of away from harsh chemicals sprays and liquid irritants.
There is another herb that appears to be an excellent psoriasis treatment. It’s called mahonia quifolium and is better known as Oregon grape or holly-leaved barberry, which is a natural plant extract.
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