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2010 | 2009 | Institution | Strengths | Strengths | Weaknesses | Weaknesses |
1 | 1 | Princeton University NJ | Tenure and Promotion | Peers | Pay | Job Satisfaction |
2 | 7 | St. Jude Children's Research Hospital Memphis, TN | Management and Policies | Research Resources | Infrastructure and Environment | Tenure and Promotion |
3 | - | Van Andel Research Institutes Grand Rapids, MI | Research Resources | Pay | Peers | Tenure and Promotion |
4 | 6 | J. David Gladstone Institutes San Francisco, CA | Infrastructure and Environment | Pay | Tenure and Promotion | Job Satisfaction |
5 | 9 | The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation Ardmore, OK | Job Satisfaction | Research Resources | Teaching and Mentoring | Infrastructure and Environment |
6 | 3 | Trudeau Institute Sarnac Lake, NY | Teaching and Mentoring | Peers | Job Satisfaction | Infrastructure and Environment |
7 | 16 | Children's Hospital Boston MA | Peers | Management and Policies | Tenure and Promotion | Job Satisfaction |
8 | - | Calvin College Grand Rapids, MI | Job Satisfaction | Tenure and Promotion | Pay | Management and Policies |
9 | 4 | University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Oklahoma City, OK | Tenure and Promotion | Job Satisfaction | Research Resources | Peers |
10 | 8 | Institute for Systems Biology Seattle, WA | Infrastructure and Environment | Management and Policies | Tenure and Promotion | Job Satisfaction |
11 | - | Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA | Teaching and Mentoring | Tenure and Promotion | Pay | Job Satisfaction |
12 | 34 | Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN | Peers | Infrastructure and Environment | Tenure and Promotion | Job Satisfaction |
13 | 19 | Stanford University CA | Infrastructure and Environment | Research Resources | Peers | Tenure and Promotion |
14 | 17 | Michigan State University East Lansing, MI | Tenure and Promotion | Job Satisfaction | Research Resources | Peers |
15 | 22 | University of Rochester NY | Job Satisfaction | Infrastructure and Environment | Pay | Tenure and Promotion |
16 | 3 | Albert Einstein College of Medicine Bronx, NY | Pay | Research Resources | Infrastructure and Environment | Tenure and Promotion |
17 | - | Buck Institute for Age Research Novato, CA | Tenure and Promotion | Peers | Job Satisfaction | Research Resources |
18 | 66 | Donald Danforth Plant Science Center St. Louis, MO | Management and Policies | Infrastructure and Environment | Tenure and Promotion | Job Satisfaction |
19 | 5 | Emory University Atlanta, GA | Peers | Infrastructure and Environment | Job Satisfaction | Teaching and Mentoring |
20 | - | Children's Hospital of Philadelphia PA | Peers | Research Resources | Tenure and Promotion | Job Satisfaction |
21 | 21 | H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute Tampa, FL | Pay | Peers | Job Satisfaction | Infrastructure and Environment |
22 | 52 | University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN | Job Satisfaction | Tenure and Promotion | Management and Policies | Teaching and Mentoring |
23 | 54 | National Institute of Health Bethesda, MD | Research Resources | Pay | Tenure and Promotion | Management and Policies |
24 | - | Roswell Park Cancer Institute Buffalo, NY | Job Satisfaction | Pay | Tenure and Promotion | Research Resources |
25 | - | La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology CA | Pay | Infrastructure and Environment | Teaching and Mentoring | Tenure and Promotion |
26 | 78* | State University of New York (all campuses) | Tenure and Promotion | Management and Policies | Peers | Infrastructure and Environment |
27 | 81 | Georgetown University Washington, DC | Job Satisfaction | Teaching and Mentoring | Pay | Infrastructure and Environment |
28 | 2 | University of California San Francisco, CA | Tenure and Promotion | Peers | Research Resources | Infrastructure and Environment |
29 | 28 | Massachusetts General Hospital Boston, MA | Management and Policies | Peers | Tenure and Promotion | Job Satisfaction |
30 | - | The Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA | Job Satisfaction | Management and Policies | Infrastructure and Environment | Research Resources |
31 | 35 | University of Wisconsin Madison, WI | Teaching and Mentoring | Peers | Pay | Job Satisfaction |
32 | 50 | University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA | Research Resources | Tenure and Promotion | Job Satisfaction | Peers |
33 | 58 | Cleveland Clinic OH | Tenure and Promotion | Research Resources | Management and Policies | Infrastructure and Environment |
34 | - | Scripps Institution of Oceangraphy La Jolla, CA | Tenure and Promotion | Management and Policies | Peers | Research Resources |
35 | - | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Berkeley, CA | Research Resources | Teaching and Mentoring | Tenure and Promotion | Infrastructure and Environment |
36 | 48 | Yale University New Haven, CT | Tenure and Promotion | Peers | Pay | Infrastructure and Environment |
37 | 29 | Wayne State University Detroit, MI | Pay | Tenure and Promotion | Infrastructure and Environment | Peers |
38 | 30 | University of Missouri Columbia, MO | Infrastructure and Environment | Job Satisfaction | Pay | Peers |
39 | 71 | University of Nebraska Medical Center Omaha, NE | Pay | Infrastructure and Environment | Peers | Job Satisfaction |
40 | 36 | Washington University St. Louis, MO | Tenure and Promotion | Teaching and Mentoring | Job Satisfaction | Infrastructure and Environment |
Read more:Best Places to Work 2010: Academia - Top 40 US Institutionshttp://www.the-scientist.com/fragments/bptw/2010/academia/bptw-academia-top30.jsp#ixzz0sLdUNxDK
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